Thoughts on carrying a handgun…Natalie Foster

Alabama compared to many states has very good handgun laws. Consider the fact that many other states require all kinds of hoop jumping to get a permit to carry a concealed handgun. Or they require mandatory training to get a permit. Some states require a “good reason” to obtain a permit while almost 100 percent of the time you will never have a good reason to be issued a carry permit. Many
cities in some states can pass their own laws that clash with state law thus creating a myriad of confusing laws from city to city or county to county. People get arrested often just because they were not familiar with local ordinances.
The truth, however, is that ALL gun law is unconstitutional but that is a subject for another day.

Here is Natalie Foster of NRA News to give her thoughts on the value of preparedness, and the protection gained with concealed carry of handguns.


Posted in EHP Blog.