Basic Handgun & Personal Defense

The number of handgun sales and concealed carry permits have increased by an unprecedented number. In working with BamaCarry Inc. we established the EHP program (Every Home Protected) to encourage new gun owners and the occasional shooter to learn the basics of gun safety and ownership. We’ve seen while thousands of people own handguns yet many have little to no understanding of their use and even less knowledge about securing their homes and what to do if they have an intruder. Be honest. Are you comfortable carrying a deadly weapon on your person every day? Do you know what to do if faced with a break-in? Can you honestly say that you know your firearm and you are mentally prepared to do what it takes to keep you and your loved ones safe? Do you feel confident that you can make the decision at a moment’s notice to defend yourself?

What about after the self-defensive shooting. Have you thought about what will happen after the fact? Even if you are justified in taking life have you thought about what that will mean for you in the future? Can you live with yourself? What happens when the media portrays you as a crazed person with a gun looking to kill someone!
If the answer is no or you are not sure then:

Attend an EHP basic handgun and self-defense class and you will be amazed at what you did not know about carrying a handgun for personal protection.

We use material from BamaCarry, the NRA, and the USCCA depending on the class being taught

We cover a lot of information in our classes, information that you need to know in order to safely carry a handgun.

Topics covered but not limited to:

  • Introduction to Pistol Safety, Parts, and Operation
  • Safe Gun Handling
  • Learn the difference between “looking” and “focusing” 
  • Types of Ammunition; Cleaning and Storage of Firearms 
  • Tips on concealed carry
  • Tips on open carry
  • Different types of holsters
  • Carrying a firearm for personal defense
  • Home defense firearms and tactics
  • Situational awareness
  • What happens in a self-defense situation
  • What to do if you are involved in a defensive shooting
  • Know the legal system

We keep our classes small with usually no more than ten students. In our master class, you’ll get a minimum of six hours of classroom time and then live fire on the range. You will leave feeling comfortable with carrying your firearm….guaranteed! If you have questions we are easily reached by email or phone.

