They will never give up!

I have been in this battle over gun rights for so long I can’t remember where it all started. Perhaps it was when I was in different countries and experienced the hell of seeing people unable to defend themselves from corrupt governments and/or religious theocracies. One thing is sure, I am in the battle for gun rights and freedom. The two go hand in hand. One is useless without the other and I had rather give my life to honor my oath than to sell my soul at the altar of this world! I’m in this fight to the bitter end.

It is becoming more and more evident that the left is not going to give up in their quest to turn our nation into a third world country and it’s inhabitants into subjects ruled over by elitists. It is apparent that they hate the truth of what truly made this nation great and the reasoning behind our founding. What has happened that progressives, democrats and rino republicans are giving this country away with little to no opposition? While there are numerous reasons It is in my opinion conservatives generally are just nice people lol. They have some sense of tolerance and manners and refrain from doing the things that the enemy will do to accomplish their agenda.

I can say with certainty that the left has become more prepared and better financed than most conservative movements. I helped found the largest gun rights group in Alabama and you just about have to beg people to give up 20.00 per year for their membership dues. You would think you had ask them for their first born. Yet I watch MDA, (Moms Demand Action) and other gun control groups hold protest with less than a hundred people, yet are financed with millions of dollars donated by individuals who obviously believe the answer to every problem in America is to remove guns and make everyone dependent on the government.

I admire these groups! Want to know why? They stick together and continue to march toward their goals!
Take a few minutes and listen to this well presented video by Dana Loesch as she explains what gun owners and freedom loving Americans face in the future and just how close we came to losing our second amendment to a liberal Supreme Court.




Posted in EHP Blog.