Negligent, Not Accidental Discharges!

Each year a number of people are killed by accidental negligent discharge of firearms.
The more that people handle firearms the more comfortable they become even to the point of being careless about how and where they are pointed and how they are handled.  From a completely statistical standpoint you cannot deny that the more you handle firearms the greater the likelihood that one will go ‘bang’ when you didn’t want it to. As they say, “that’s a fact Jack”. It’s simply a statistical probability.
The folks at Concealed Carry recently did a study on 300 cases of negligent discharges. Their findings:
Comprehensive Data Science Reveals Gun Grabbers and Gun Owners are Both Wrong!

Avoiding an unwanted discharge all comes down to proper training but even then the odds are that if you carry a firearm daily and do not stay on your best game then you will probably at some point experience a “bang” that you did not want to have. As an instructor it is constantly on my mind that when you have a multiplicity of students on the range you must remain ever vigilant and watchful for the things that cause a negligent discharge.

Click the link below to read an excellent article with data to back it up about negligent discharges.

Read the article!


Posted in EHP Blog.

One Comment

  1. Definitely a “fear” I have and always try to be more attentive when doing the simplest things like holstering and unholstering or moving from to location to another .. I think that “fear” or “respect” for what could happen is needed. I have heard stories from other more experienced gun users or their “accidental discharge” I hope that’s a story I never get to tell.. let me tell about wrecking my 3 wheeler instead

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