Letter to a Husband

I can’t tell you how many times I have had a wife or girlfriend tell me how aggravated they were at their husband/boyfriend for buying them a firearm and/or holster that they wanted them to have.
I learned many years ago….YOU DON’T BUY YOUR SIGNIFICANT OTHER GUNS OR HOLSTERS unless they have already shopped and decided what they want. Don’t do it guys. You’re smarter than that, I hope.

For one thing men you do not know anything when it comes to what women need or want in the line of firearms and holsters. Even if you really do you don’t. It’s a girl thing. That guy behind the gun counter at Walmart knows more than you do. Yep, seen it many times I have. This is why if you are not a paying student you are not going to sit in on a class I conduct. For one, she doesn’t want you there because no matter how good you think you are you do not know anything ok? LOL. And I don’t want you interrupting because you think I left out something that you think she needs to know. Trust me on this one men. When I have a mixed class I can guarantee you that the husband/boyfriend has already been well instructed by his lady and is well learned in the art of being quiet. If not he would not be there because she isn’t going to have it. He has learned the art of being obedient and knows that if he says anything to embarrass her….well you know. I speak from experience so again, trust me men!

Consider taking your wife shopping and let her try before she buys. Be a part of helping her but not telling her what she needs.

Someone sent this to me a while back and I thought it would be worth posting. It pretty much sums it up.

Dear husband,

I’ve tried and tried to explain to you that I need to go choose and purchase a concealed carry gun. For some reason, you aren’t hearing my plea. I’m certain you understand the need to defend myself and our family. I’m not sure you recognize other facets that go along with my need to choose my own gun.

I am a better shot than you, even with that over-sized, heavy gun you chose for me. Thanks to it, I now have huge shoulders and my spine is curved from attempting to lug it around in my purse. I have no fear of an assailant stealing said purse: it weighs too much. It’s sure to bring him to the ground in an instant.

I’m thankful you found a lovely holster. I suppose you must have noticed the curvature of my spine. Passersby are gawking at me as though I am the Hunchback of Notre Dame. At least that big thing doesn’t make my butt look big.

Wouldn’t it be fun to go to the gun store together and let me touch, feel and grip the gun before we spend money on one? I could make sure it fit firm in my soft little hand. I could also choose from a variety of colors. Pink is nice, but it would match only a few outfits. I would rather go with a more neutral Dark Earth color.

On another note, we will have to shop for holsters together, too. Other than belt and ankle carry, I can get lingerie holsters for a sub-compact carry gun? Imagine a bra or thigh holster. It will be fun for the two of us to go to the range, on a regular basis, and practice pulling my pocket carry model pistol from a discreet location.

I’m capable of protecting myself and the household. But you have to work with me on this one. It is something we need to do together.


Your Wife

Trust me men. Do not shop for her but shop with her. Make it a date! Have fun. I love doing it because it gives me a chance to shop also lol.

Posted in EHP Blog.


  1. This is so true! And it can apply to many different things, not only guns, holsters and training. For instance, even something like a motorcycle and learning to ride one.

  2. I could not agree more. Not only husbands don’t buy or your wives but wives don’t buy for your husbands either…. anyone for that matter. It is a VERY personal decision.

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