From The “Wayback Machine”

JPFO Founder Aaron Zelman had written to NRA board member Ted Nugent:

“Ted, I’ll join the NRA… “When the NRA soundly condemns, and works tirelessly to abolish, the ‘Gun Control Act of 1968.’ NRA lawyers actually helped to write this piece of totalitarian legislation. JPFO was the first to expose ‘GCA 1968’ for what it was: a near car­bon copy of the Nazi German gun laws of the 1930s. See: JPFO’s book: Gun Control, Gateway to Tyranny.

“The NRA needs to man up and con­fess that it made a terrible mistake here. It needs to go on an Obama-style apol­ogy tour of every State, and personally confess this sin to American gun own­ers. And then repent.

“Gun registration (brought to you by GCA ’68) is intolerable in a free society. In Nazi Germany, Jews were forced to identify themselves with a yellow star. In America, our citizens are forced to identify their ownership of firearms with a form called a 4473 and con­cealed-weapon permits.

“Now, with the computer age fully entrenched in our society, a centralized database of all gun owners and their firearms’ serial numbers is just a mouse click away. The BATFE claims it would never do this. But they are already do­ing it with their phony eTrace program. They actually share information about American gun owners with foreign governments! This could have ominous repercussions.

“Let’s analyze why ‘GCA ‘68’ even passed. It was because of the political as­sassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King. Without those three murders, the Amer­ican people would have scoffed at the idea of national “gun control.” The highly emotionalized loss of the lives of three public figures, tragic though it was, created enough manipulated hyste­ria in this nation to essentially throw the Second Amendment out the window.

“But what about the hundreds of thousands of brave Americans who have died fighting, generation after gen­eration, to protect our Bill of Rights? In­stead of standing firm in the face of this 1968 ‘gun control’ travesty, when a far more conservative America could have been effectively rallied, the NRA got in bed with the gun prohibitionists and ac­tually helped pen the legislation. See: “NRA Supported the National Firearms act of 1934 and GCA 68.”

JPFO notes Aaron’s letter could not be more timely with the NRA’s appar­ent position on so-called “bump stock” infringement (actually Slide Fire, made by a very nice firm in Texas), now all the rage with socialists and gun grab­bers in America. One criminal maniac slays people and the NRA quickly agrees to consider new regulations for a plastic non-gun add-on the psychopath apparently used.

Sure, it may have been a clever distraction; no-nothings on the gun-hating side were smartly undercut and got to say, “See, we were right all along!” while the wind left their sails. Short of one lawyer, the head of CBS-news legal, who bragged online she didn’t care about the dead, they were country-music fans, likely republicans, and so they didn’t matter, getting her sorry butt fired. Do you really think she was the only one in the department she led who felt like she did?

What fools they all are, fighting plas­tic add-ons instead of the psychos, ji-hadis and politicians causing the real trouble, and Hollyvomit, TV, and the rest encouraging copycats and destroy­ing what little is left of moral fabric in this once fine nation. Aaron was right.


Note: I still belong to the NRA and am a certified NRA instructor. I think they have come a long way since the GCA but they are nowhere near what a true no-compromise gun rights group should be in my opinion. The bump-stock compromise is just one example.

Posted in EHP Blog.