I am always on the watch for everyday people that can give us tools and tactics to help and instruct in carrying a firearm for personal protection. Ladies have a lot more to contend with than us guys do. My wife, for example, will not wear a belt 99 percent of the time so conceal carry for her has been a challenge. She has come up with a host of options for carrying a firearm both safely and comfortably.
And, of course, dependent on how she is dressing, this involves a number of holster styles and other tactics and tools.
Guys just strap it on and go lol. Not so easy with the ladies. Here is a young lady that has worked hard to come up with different ways for summertime carry, which you know is always an issue. Enjoy the video from Stavroula Avramidis (“Stav”). It is one of the best step by step videos for ladies and concealed carry that I have seen to date. Also, visit her website and youtube channel.