Anyone that is a serious gun rights supporter knows of or should know the name C.J. Grisham. Mr. Grisham is the founder of Open Carry Texas. On March 16, 2013, C.J. was arrested in his hometown of Temple, Texas, for “rudely displaying” a hunting rifle while on a hike with his 15-year-old son.
C.J., who at the time was stationed at nearby Fort Hood, held a permit for the rifle he was openly carrying that day, which is legal in the right-to-carry state of Texas as long as it does not cause alarm. Many were stunned by the video footage of the arrest, which was filmed by both C.J. and his son. It was after this incident he founded Open Carry Texas and since then he and his organization are credited with getting laws changed in Texas to where now the open carry of handguns is legal. Many have criticized his group’s work but had he not founded OCT Texas would still be in the dark ages.
In the following video Mr. Grisham, who worked in Military Intelligence, gives us some great insight as to how conservative gun rights and freedom groups are infiltrated and attempts made to destroy these groups from the inside. I encourage you to watch the video carefully as it has great information that can and does apply to today.
Over the years that I have been a part of the gun rights group BamaCarry Inc, I can most assuredly say that I have encountered more than a few attempts to destroy the great work this group does by people who have infiltrated the group.
Hope you enjoy the video and thank you, Mr. Grisham, not only for your service to our country but for standing up for what we believe in.
Be sure and visit BamaCarry and Open Carry Texas.
I encourage you to join good fundamental groups and become active. If you are in Alabama a good place to start is BamaCarry.
Video courtesy of News Now Houston, a First Amendment activists group.