Contacting Your Lawmakers in Alabama and What to Say to Them.

Ok, you’re fired up about SB-24, better known as the Constitutional Carry bill, or perhaps some other bill. This is a good thing! You want law makers to hear your feelings on the bill.  Again, this is good but now you have to answer the question, who do I contact, and how? Believe it or not there are many people across this state who do not know who their elected state officials are or how to contact them.

Who are you going to call?

Good question. The best way is to click this link and you can easily find out who your elected officials are for your area as well as get access to their contact information.

Some districts are split between zip codes so you might have to enter your complete address if you do not know your zip+4.

What are you going to say?
When speaking or writing keep these thoughts in mind:

You don’t have to like or agree with who represents you.
You do need to be civil. Raising your voice and calling then names will do nothing for your cause. We are all human. No one wants to be yelled at and accused of being a traitor or anti-American just because one disagrees. Your rant will fall on deaf ears where thoughtful communication would perhaps have positive impact. Save the rants for Facebook.

Before you call or write get a game plan.  Make sure that you know what you hope to accomplish. Then make sure you address at least these key points:

  • What is the issue or bill?
  • Why is it important to you–why would a certain outcome help or hurt?
  • What would you like the person you’re contacting to do about it?

Whether you call or write keep it straightforward. Short and simple is best. Be sure you proofread before you send your correspondence. If you are contacting by phone at least write down your talking points and stick to them. And most of all BE NICE! I know that can be hard when dealing with some politicians but you simply have to be. Also have facts to support the “why” you want your rep to vote your way.
I can promise you that calling them names and threatening them will get you no where.

Truth will always win. If you support your thoughts with fact that can be backed up then if your rep votes the other way you can use that at campaign time. KEEP GOOD NOTES!

Posted in EHP Blog.


  1. Excellent advice. The communication does not need to be lengthy. In fact, short and to the point is better. Time is a valuable commodity and everyone benefits from brevity.
    Here’s a short template.
    I am so and so from XXXX.
    I support SB24 because XXXX.
    Please vote to pass SB24.
    Thank you.
    Be sure your reason for support makes sense and is coherent.

    • Good format. Now we need 20 thousand people making the calls when the bill is finally introduced if not sooner. And not just one call. Follow up a few times especially when it gets close to the final vote.

  2. I agree that it is best to be polite but sometimes it is really hard to do when you are very passionate about something and all the other side does is spread lies and deceit. And to make it worse in most cases the money that they are extorting from you goes into a “discretionary” fund for the sheriff to do with as he pleases. We have to stand together on this and get this bill passed this go round. I am honestly concerned that if we don’t get it done this time we may never get it done!

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